Hi there and thanks for the answer
Yes in our mind the first option was to use the ACP format, however please correct me in my understanding if I am wrong
a) If we create the ACP file with the image *.tif files inside and the XML with the metadata of each of the tif files. As soon as we upload it to alfresco , we can have a rule, which is launched every time a new acp file is added to the space, to reproduce the Import process to unpack the acp file and assign the value of the metadata stored in the xml file to each of the tif files. are we right or there is anything else we should keep in mind?
b) How can we create an ACP file in Windows or Linux packing in it the tif files and the xml file with the metadata, so it keeps the same format and it is recognized by Alfresco once we upload it?
Thanks once more for the quick question