I installed war files in tomcat and activiti-explorer is working ok with local ip-address. I want to use it outside of my proxy (other ip-network/domainname). But when I do change url into domainname and proxy to ip-address, login won't work anymore. In the pagescripting it is using the local-ipaddress which causes an error. Howto change the default url-ipaddress ?
I appear to have the same issue as awiel. Namely, Goal: To access activiti-explorer and activiti-rest api via an external public URI (example. cloud-base.com.au:8088/activiti-explorer)
Working: Internally based upon Tomcat 7.0.55 server.xml with local IP address set in <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost=""> and <Host name="" appBase="webapps" … /> listening on port 8088 .. webapps/WEB-INF/classes/db.properties -> Database is Postgresql 9.3 - all wired up OK.
Also, have edited: /opt/tomcat/webapps/activiti-explorer/WEB-INFactiviti-standalone-context.xml. <bean id=“processEngineConfiguration“ …> … <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="none" /> … </bean> The working configuration allows me to login and access activiti-explorer and subsequently activiti-modeler plus persist my new models to Postgres DB.
Problem: Reconfigure Tomcat server.xml to reflect a publicly accessible URI as cloud-base.com.au as follows <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="cloud-base.com.au"> and <Host name="cloud-base.com.au" appBase="webapps" … /> listening on port 8088 .. webapps/WEB-INF/classes/db.properties -> Database is Postgresql 9.3 - no change. /opt/tomcat/webapps/activiti-explorer/WEB-INFactiviti-standalone-context.xml -> no change.
From an external browser: http://cloud-base.com.au:8088/activiti-explorer brings the Activiti login page up. Using kermit/kermit as the login ID. The page goes no further. I can see in the Chrome debugger that the loginhandler URI deployed by the server is still referencing the internal IP address of the host machine ie. This is clearly not a valid external address that the web page loginhandler can respond on. viz: loginHandler POST 200 OK text/html login:10Script
Given that the return URI is clearly generated by the executing Java code, I have two question:
1. How can I externally (via config file) cause the correct return URI to be generated by the application code (ie. such that the loginhandler is replying on the equivalent of: POST http://cloud-base.com.au/activiti-explorere/ui/1) as opposed to the generated internal server IP address. 2. Can I similarly modify the port address.
Errors: There are no errors generated in Tomcat server logs. It can however be clearly seen that the login webpage is seeking to connect to the IP address both in the browser lower left corner "Waiting…" and in the Chrome debugger.
Questions: I have read through the activiti.org User Guide and also scanned the Javadocs classes to see if there is further information. I have also read several posts on this forum and other sites related to similar issues to no avail.
1. Are there additional parameters that can be included in the server.xml config files? 2. Is it possible that the application code is defaulting to a getHostByName type scenario rather than using what is in the server.xml config file. 3. Is there a solution for this problem?