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How to upgrade from 4.2.c to 5.0.c?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone,
I`m using Alfresco Comunity 4.2.c (Install on Windows 2k8). I want to upgrade to Alfresco Community 5.0.c . How can I do it?
Thank you!

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Angel Borroy! I think it is very useful. But I do not have much experience.If you have an example on Windows System, it is great.

Hello Angel,

I followed your steps, but I wasn't able to complete the process. Also some of them were not full. (Please refer to the attached file what I did with the upgrade.) Therefor I have some questions.
I want to use in the new installation with a different external authentication on a new VM - I was useing simple LDAP subsystem via the file and now with the new one, I'd like to use, is LDAP AD. (After I did your steps, I think that this is not possible to do - meaning I need to keep using the old authentication subsystem.)

I manage to configure installation on 5.0.c (on different VM) and it's working fine before the migration/upgrade.
After that I wasn't able to login to the system via my admin, nor any of the users that I already have in my AD. I assume that when I imported the database I needed to drop the old one, because it kept stuck on a step which gave me an error "The line is already existing" or something like that. So I dropped the old DB, created new one and imported the 4.2.c DB into the new 5.0.c DB (which went smoothly, btw). Now I'm receiving this error message on the login page "Your authentication details have not been recognized or Alfresco may not be available at this time."

I assume that when the import of the DB is done, I need to use all of my old users from 4.2.c installation (including the admin), am I correct?


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
Users should be available after your operations… ¿Can you provide us "catalina.out" lines from an alfresco service starting?
Hyland Developer Evangelist

Hey Angel,

The Catalina.out is uploaded. I can see that the messages in there went in a loop and because of them I thing the migration/upgrade was not successfull. Smiley Sad

I also did a test:
I changed the configuration in the new alfresco in order to use the LDAP (the same LDAP that is used with the old Alfresco). Still the result is the same - I'm unable to login and I can see the same messages in the catalina.out log.

Please let me know what do you think.

Kind Regards!

On the other hand an interesting observation from the old system is that I have this message in my calitalina.out log file:

14:00:10,142 WARN  [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Unauthorized
14:00:12,352 WARN  [org.alfresco.wcm.client.util.impl.GuestSessionFactoryImpl] WQS unable to connect to repository: Unauthorized

It keeps showing up over and over again, every second or two.
Before, I didn't see it.


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
It seems Alfresco 4.2.c had Web Quick Start enabled. Have you deploy WQS AMPs on the new installation (Alfresco 5.0.c)?
Hyland Developer Evangelist

Hmm That's a very good question.
If my memory is not paying with me, I'd say no, I did not installed (enabled) this modul. Where should I check for sure if it's installed or not?

If it's not installed,do you think that this is the correct wayt to deploy the modul:

Or should I start over with the entire installation and do the upgrade one more time, just to be sure that everything is OK with it?


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
Installing manually WQS should be ok.
Hyland Developer Evangelist