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Forum Posts

Build scripts have moved

In the latest revision of HEAD the build scripts have been updated and moved.You will now find the scripts in the root folder as opposed to the old location of root/common.The main build.xml file now includes all the targets for building Alfresco i.e...

gavinc by Champ in-the-making
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Env : Alfresco V 2.0 / Linux RH 4 AS.J'ai configuré...

Bonjour,Env : Alfresco V 2.0 / Linux RH 4 AS.J'ai configuré la connection des utilisateurs à alfresco via Active Director, ça marche très bien, les utilisateurs arrivent à se connecter sans problème. Mais pour certains qui veulent partager des Espace...

matching webapp content to dpeloyment receiver targets

I'm using 2.1 and trying to deploy a couple web projects to a file deployment receiver.The problem is, i can't seem to get each project to deploy to seperate directories.Both web projects are listed under the ROOT default webapp (option was greyed ou...

decentrix by Champ in-the-making
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Deny admin access to a specific node

Hi,I'm currently working to change all the role and security of Alfresco.–> I redevelop own roles who are different from the "Alfresco" commons roles. (I have "invited" my specifics group after what I set specifics permissions for node, menu and serv...

clincks by Champ in-the-making
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Error starting WS session...

Hi.When trying to access the Alfresco web services I'm getting the error "Error starting session" when calling the AuthenticationUtils.startsession method. BUT only if I specify the host IP address (e.g., in the webserviceclient.prope...

cszamudio by Champ on-the-rise
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browse the alfresco repository 'windows style'

Hi, i post a way to browse the repository that show all the tree while "browsing".(like windows file system)public function CreateTree($node,$store,$session)  {    foreach($node->children as $child)    {            if($child->child->type == "{http://...

mmariotti by Champ in-the-making
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problem with cifs and ldap

I have installed ldap authentification with cas liferay and alfresco. I have seen in the forum that cifs passwords and ldap password aren't compatible.Indeed, when the server start i have the following exception:07:32:48,651 ERROR [alfresco.smb.proto...

CIFS Enterprise - Auth component does not support MD4

Alfresco 2.0, Java 1.6.0, Tomcat 1.2.20, RHEL ES4U4JAAS Repository AuthLDAP sync (DIGEST-MD5)CIFS FileSystem security enabled with ENTERPRISEkinit/klist return successful certificates for the created keytab.‍14:32:01,845 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.proto...

CIFS User Auth Fails IF Attempted BEFORE User Logs into WEB-

With JAAS/LDAP Respository auth and CIFS Filesystem Security of 'passthru' a user can't authenticate against the CIFS server UNTIL they've first logged into the WEB GUI.smbclient -L ALFRECO_CIFS_SERVER -U UNAMEPassword:session setup failed: NT_STATUS...