06-30-2008 10:30 AM
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">
var Id = document.properties["ygrd:DocumentId"];
space.name = Id + " - " + space.name;
06:29:07,288 ERROR [graph.def.GraphElement] action threw exception: Failed to execute supplied script: Failed to execute supplied script: ReferenceError: "document" is not defined. (AlfrescoScript#1)
org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ScriptException: Failed to execute supplied script: Failed to execute supplied script: ReferenceError: "document" is not defined. (AlfrescoScript#1)
06-30-2008 12:32 PM
bpm_package.children[0].properties["ygrd:DocumentTitle"] = "Blah";
06-30-2008 01:44 PM
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