Another idea, might be to hand-create an ACP yourself.
Looking at the sample wcm-website bundle provided by alfresco, it seems fairly straight-forward, allow laborious.
1. Export the web-project's folder in the DM repository as an ACP (it looks empty but the attributes are on the folder).
2. Export your web-form folders as ACPs, as before.
3. Zip up the whole AVM web-site (from staging) as a WAR file.
4. Fill the contents of the file (looks easy)
something like the example one:
# Alfresco WCM Sample Website module properties
module.title=Alfresco WCM Sample Website
module.description=Alfresco WCM Sample Website
5. Edit the sample module-context.xml file. This references all your web-form ACPs, and your web-project ACP
6. Make sure these files are all put in the correct folder structure (follow the example), then zip it up and rename it '.ACP'.
7. Then try importing it on a destination machine (apparently, that web-project tool I mentioned earlier, does import, just not export). This will also unpack the AVM war file, and perform the re-associations.
I'm not sure what happens if you keep installing the same web-project again and again. Do you think we need to delete the destination web-project first?