Hi -
You'll need to create a Freemarker template to generate an HTML page, and a second Freemarker template to generate a some RTF file. You can associate both Freemarker templates with your Web Form using the Create Web Form Wizard, which is accessible from the Web Form space in the Data Dictionary. Then, each time you create an XML, both templates are applied (unless you choose to only use one of those templates or none of those templates for any given web project you subscribe that form to), giving you both an web page and the closest approximation to a full Word doc that can be created using templates.
As an alternative to generating the nearest equivalent to a full Word doc, you can use our embedded XSL-FO templating engine to create PDFs, which are more suitable for linking to a web page for download by external content consumers.
You can see an example of how to do this in our Product Evaluation Guide, an example of XSL-FO templates in our WSF Framework, and learn more about use of Freemarker against XML on our wiki on our WCM page.