12-26-2016 06:04 AM
12-27-2016 02:18 PM
How about the official documentation?
12-28-2016 01:32 AM
Hi Douglas,
I try this link but not working.....
"http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/" this will not working getting error
12-28-2016 03:03 AM
The link implies that Alfresco is running on the same server as the one you set up AWE.
Can you tell us a little more about your installation ? Where is Alfresco ? Where do you want to install AWE ?
Did you try to reach Alfresco from your computer ?
12-29-2016 06:44 AM
Hi Yann,
Thank you rot email.
Alfresco Installation on single server. alfresco version community 5.1
installed on cloud infrastructure.
we installed solr4 and alfresco single server. we required PDF annotation or PDF editor itself browser, pdf online edit it possible with alfresco webeditor. now we are accessing alfresco through webbrowser.
https://xxxxxxxxx:xxx/alfresco/s/ try open this link getting error
12-29-2016 07:05 AM
The bad request on this link is "normal".
It's just a base URI to prefix all request that AWE will make to Alfresco.
So just follow the documentation and it should be ok.
12-29-2016 07:10 AM
I can install same server ?
12-29-2016 07:20 AM
I think so.
12-29-2016 07:23 AM
Normally what is the best practices?
12-29-2016 07:27 AM
hi Yann,
i need small help, below mentioned what is file path or /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/awe.war i want replace file from here???
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