I hope that the answer to this isn't as complicated as I'm afraid the questions is, but here goes:
Some time ago, someone, I think it was you, pointed me at an interesting article about creating a "Demo" version of Alfresco, or at least, customizing parts of Alfresco for Demo purposes.
I am trying to create an AMP that will contain all of the customizations that we want to make to our system, such as logo and names and some wording.
I was also pointed at Jeff Potts' article on getting started with Maven and the SDK.
Unfortunately, I have been finding that following that article puts me into Alfresco 5, rather than the 4.2.f that I need.
Going back to the documentation, I did find a similar article for 4.2.f, which I have been much more successful with.
However, when I copied the changes that were in the Demo article into the SDK source tree for Share, I see no changes when I do the "localhost:8080/share" that the SDK presents.
Am I heading in the wrong direction, and the Demo article is also for Alfresco 5, or do I need to build a "real" WAR file using the MMT tool and "-force," or something else?
Thank you,
P.S. Incidentally, I have been wondering this for a while. At the bottom of your message, you request that we give you a point. How?