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Forum Posts

Je me suis crée un nouvel aspect. Il fonctionne...

Bonjour,Je me suis crée un nouvel aspect. Il fonctionne parfaitement.Maintenant, je cherche à localiser mes ressources en plusieurs langues.Et là j'ai du mal à comprendre le fonctionnement.1er cas (qui fonctionne)Je crée un fichier webclient.properti...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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how should I should the bootstrap-context.xml file

I tried to do this."The server performs a configuration check to ensure that the content, indexes and database are properly configured. The configurationChecker can be found in <alfresco.war>/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/bootstrap-context.xml. Usually, n...

stillgreat by Champ in-the-making
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Where can I find the log files?

sorry to ask this obvious question, but where can i find the tomcat log or jboss log and any log file when I have a problem installing alfresco?Thanks a lot!

stillgreat by Champ in-the-making
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1.1.2 -> 2.0 upgrade path?

Hi,I am running alfresco 1.1.2 and would very much like to go to 2.0 without having to recreate our document vault. We have a very straight forward installation with no rules, just a plain document repository. We have now grown it to the point that w...

Checking out a document - bug?

I have a problem when checking out documents. If user A checks out a document, user B should see this file as "locked by A" and only user A himself should see the symbol and tooltip "locked by you". It seems that sometimes this gets mixed up. User B ...

tarkadu by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco API and Web Services

Which is the difference between using native alfresco api and web services api ??? ¿Is native alfresco api jcr?I am developing a web portal with servlets that fetchs data and contents from alfresco. Right now, I get them from CIFS but I think that u...

tonizz by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and Firebird 2.0.x

Hello. Good Morning.   I am installing Alfresco with DBMS Firebird 2.0. But i have a problem.   MY PROBLEM  ==============================================  There is a problem, it can't create Database  Schema,  because  it try to create a table that ...

gsantosgo by Champ in-the-making
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compiling Records Management from Source (SVN)

Hello All, I downloaded the source from svn however when i do a build-tomcat it seems to only compile the core modules and wcm without the rm module. If i attempt to compile rm it seems the rule (in build.xml/projects.xml) to compile this does not wo...

kurtkbee by Champ in-the-making
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email-listener problem

Hello i would like to use the EMail listener but i get this kind of Connection refused: connect15:32:08,345 ERROR [emaillistener.model.EmailListenersQuartzJob]15:32:29,455 ERROR [emaillistener.model.EmailListenersQuar...

burner by Champ in-the-making
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[HELP] add content -> kicked out of user session instead

This is Alfresco 2.0 Community in a fairly new installation. No associated logs found in catalina.out. Thankfully this is not in production (yet).I have the following problem: Dropping contents in spaces using CIFS works fine, but access to these doc...

redstapler by Champ in-the-making
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