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How to hide the files in data dictionary when searching

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Whenever user is searching in share, it is listing the files from the data dictionary, how to hide these files in search?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
you can manage do it though manage permissions where you can change permissions level of users on data dictionary space.

I removed everyone from the permission but still it is showing

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Have you unchecked inherit permission check box. and other thing to keep in mind while doing this is that it is not recommended way to achieve this because indirectly your users might require to access those files under data dictionary for instance email templates. In those cases you will face issues if you have removed permissions.

Yes I unchecked it but still it is showing

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

You can check it this way, As you mentioned you have removed everyone group from permission but you are still getting files in Alfresco. Say if you are searching by users "testUser", <strong>login to Alfresco with this user and check are you able to access Data Dictionary from Explorer / Document Library ? </strong> If yes, that means user still has permission on it and that is the reason you are getting it in search result. So you need to make sure that permission are removed correctly.

If this is your custom search, and you have implemented a custom search api, then better you exclude that path from query, so there won't be any need of adding / removing permission for any user/group in Alfresco. It's just that it will not search in that folder or its children folders.
