09-04-2012 03:39 AM
09-05-2012 07:20 AM
09-05-2012 12:19 PM
<!– Workflow config section –>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Workflow" replace="true">
<!– A list of workflow definitions that are NOT displayed in Share –>
<!– Hide all WCM related workflows –>
<workflow name="jbpm$wcmwf:*"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$wf:articleapproval"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$inwf:invitation-nominated"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$imwf:invitation-moderated"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$my:workflow"/>
<!– A list of workflow tasks that are NOT displayed in Share –>
<!– Hide all WCM related tasks –>
<task type="wcmwf:*"/>
<!– Workflow config section –>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Workflow">
<!– A list of workflow definitions that are NOT displayed in Share –>
<!– Hide all WCM related workflows –>
<workflow name="jbpm$wcmwf:*"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$wf:articleapproval"/>
<!– Hide publishing workflows –>
<workflow name="activiti$publishWebContent"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$publishWebContent"/>
<!– Hide invitation workflows –>
<workflow name="jbpm$inwf:invitation-nominated"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$imwf:invitation-moderated"/>
<workflow name="activiti$activitiInvitationModerated"/>
<workflow name="activiti$activitiInvitationNominated"/>
<workflow name="jbpm$my:workflow"/>
<workflow name="activiti$myWorkflow"/>
<!– A list of workflow tasks that are NOT displayed in Share –>
<!– Hide all WCM related tasks –>
<task type="wcmwf:*"/>
09-05-2012 07:09 PM
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