From what we've observed, there is no way to get a path via web services. You have to know the path or the uuid before hand to create a Reference or a Query to retrieve objects. The RepositoryWebService methods return Node objects (either directly or via a ResultSet), but when you call Node.getReference(), the Reference only has the uuid set, not the path. The Node object also does not contain the child association QName (from which we could create the path manually if we had it).
This is a problem if I want to retrieve a node using get(), browse several levels using getChildren(), and from there conduct a search of all descendents of a particular atribute value. If I don't know the child association names for the descendents, I have to guess at the path, so my xpath string is not guaranteed to be correct.
It would be great if the Node objects contained the path or child association name in addition to the uuid.
Please let me know if there is a workaround or if I've missed something. One possibility is to create a custom action to get the paths for an array of node uuids, but we are trying to limit hits to the server as much as possible. So hopefully there's a better way.
Thanks for the help.