To get the companyHome I use this method:
public NodeRef getCompanyHome()
return nodeLocatorService.getNode("companyhome", null, null);
the spring confuguration is the following:
bean id="TransformationHandler" class="org.alfresco.transformation.TransformationHandler" parent="baseJavaDelegate" lazy-init="default" autowire="default" dependency-check="default"
property name="nodeService" ref="NodeService"
property name="nodeLocatorService" ref="nodeLocatorService"
when I loop throug the children of a NodeRef I see the root folder structure(I'm not shure I name them right in english): data dictionary, guest catalog, users home space, published and so on. But as I run my code in the workflow I need to get the parent of the files I attached to the workflow. So how to access files attached to the workflow