11-06-2006 06:26 AM
<action id="create_summary">
<label>Create Summary</label>
<script>/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Scripts/atest.js</script>
<param name="id">#{actionContext.id}</param>
here param "id" is node UID.Now How can i get the javascript node object from args["id"] in my atest.js.
And after getting it I want to access topics and posts of the forum and based on that i want to make summary html page.
11-07-2006 12:39 AM
var curForum;
forums = companyhome.childByNamePath("Forums");
forumsChildren =forums.children;
for(i=0;i<forumsChildren .length;i++)
child =forumsChildren[i];
curForum = child;
logger.log("Current Forum Name : " + curForum .name);
11-07-2006 05:25 AM
I have used parametes like
1. SpaceDetailsBean.space - to get current forum as space - Got Exceptions
2. ForumBean.forum - to get all children of the forum - Throws Exception in ArrayList
11-07-2006 05:27 AM
11-07-2006 06:16 AM
11-08-2006 06:21 AM
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