12-13-2007 07:09 AM
<task-node name="Waiting for Artist">
<task name="wf:waitingForArtistTask" swimlane="artistsPool" />
<transition name="Send to Artist" to="Create">
<variable name="wf_reader" access="write" />
<variable name="bpm_assignee" access="read" />
wf_reader = "New reader = " + bpm_assignee;
12-13-2007 08:29 AM
person.properties.userNamewould return the user name of the current user.
<variable name="person" access="read"/>
to your script.12-13-2007 08:43 AM
<task-node name="Waiting for Artist">
<task name="wf:waitingForArtistTask" swimlane="artistsPool" />
<transition name="Send to Artist" to="Create">
<variable name="wf_reader" access="read,write" />
<variable name="person" access="read" />
wf_reader = "new reader = " + person.properties.userName;
12-13-2007 08:53 AM
<transition name="Continue" to="createCcr">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">
var logDateTime = new Date();
var ccrLogFile = companyhome.childByNamePath("CCR repository/Log files/" + qcp_wfCcrNr + ".log");
if (ccrLogFile != null)
var logLine = logDateTime.getFullYear() + ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getMonth()+1,2) + ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getDate(),2);
logLine += ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getHours(),2) + ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getMinutes(),2) + ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getSeconds(),2);
logLine += ";" + utils.pad(logDateTime.getTime(),16);
logLine += ";" + qcp_wfCcrNr;
logLine += ";" + person.properties.userName + ";" + "" + ";" + qcp_wfCycleNr;
logLine += ";" + "Issue number checked and found unique";
logLine += ";" + bpm_package.children[0].properties["qcp:previousWorkflowStatus"];
logLine += ";" + bpm_package.children[0].properties["qcp:currentWorkflowStatus"];
ccrLogFile.content += logLine + "\r\n";
bpm_package.children[0].properties["qcp:previousWorkflowStatus"] = "qcp:mayCreateCcr";
if (bpm_package.children.length > 1)
for (var i = 1; i < bpm_package.children.length; i++)
if (bpm_package.children[i].parent.properties.name != bpm_package.children[0].parent.properties.name)
var newCopy = bpm_package.children[i].copy(bpm_package.children[0].parent);
So you might try to add <action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">and
</action>around your script.
<expressiontags but that would not be the problem I guess.
12-13-2007 09:47 AM
<task-node name="Waiting for Artist">
<task name="wf:waitingForArtistTask" swimlane="artistsPool" />
<transition name="Send to Artist" to="Create">
<action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">
<variable name="wf_reader" access="read,write" />
wf_reader = person.properties.userName;
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