10-05-2006 03:32 AM
08-17-2007 03:17 PM
09-19-2007 11:34 AM
Thanks Kevin.
I created a JavaScript to generate a unique Document Id based on the property you mentioned and it works
Added this to an inbound rule, so now every new document created has a identifier DD00xxxx.
Hi, I have the some problem that you have mentioned earlier ?
?I have to be sure that there is a automatic mechanism that generates a unique number each time content is added (either through a rule or otherwise).?
? and I need to make visible that number to the end-users. Can you help me? Or someone else?
09-19-2007 11:50 AM
Add the following to your web-client-config-custom.xml file:<config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="countable">
<show-property name="counter" read-only="true" />
The Increment Counter action is an action that can be used to log counts to a document. It increments a counter value against a node with every execution.
09-24-2007 10:19 AM
09-24-2007 05:57 PM
Yes every time the rule is one. The existing counter action takes the value from a property attached to the document itself. So the value is not incremented system wide - it is relative to the document, so not really what you want i think.
09-24-2007 08:08 PM
09-25-2007 03:18 AM
09-25-2007 03:57 AM
I would suggest you a different way. Create an aspect to apply the DocumentID to any content by means of a rule. You have also to implement an aspect behaviour to initialize its value as you like (eg. a counter from a database query). Finally add the new property to the property-sheet as read-only and expose for advanced search.
See wiki and sdk for details about the Aspect Behaviour.
09-25-2007 04:11 AM
09-25-2007 06:24 AM
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