04-09-2010 08:05 AM
04-09-2010 09:03 AM
04-09-2010 10:48 AM
04-14-2010 08:32 AM
04-19-2010 02:54 AM
09-01-2010 03:49 AM
09-01-2010 04:51 AM
09-01-2010 07:19 AM
<aspect name="as:IsClubMember">
<title>Club member info</title>
<property name="as:memberCode">
<property name="as:validTill">
<aspect name="as:HasAccsess">
<title>Access to sistem</title>
<property name="as:Enabled">
09-01-2010 08:48 AM
All users, if they want to provide their club member info, should have possibility to add as:IsClubMember aspect.This is first problem because user can not add aspect on him self, so you have to use runAs part for this.
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=alfresco+runasclick on third result .
Admin user should have possibility to set as:HasAccsess to the user.this is not a problem. just add action in userlist":\jsp\users\users.jsp
Map<QName,Serializable> auditableProps =
new HashMap<QName,Serializable>();
auditableProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR, blog.getCreator());
auditableProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_CREATED, blog.getCreated());
auditableProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIER, blog.getModifier());
auditableProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED, blog.getModified());
profileRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE, auditableProps);
09-01-2010 09:34 AM
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