11-14-2014 02:07 PM
Hi all,
is there someone who has totally disabled the solr Backup scheduler in Alfresco Community?
I tried to set the "numberToKeep" properties to 0 for both archive and alfresco stores but it doesn't work. The cron trigger start anyway and a backup is performed…
I use Alfresco Community 4.2.f with the following configurations in the alfresco-global.properties:
### Start backup every 1 minute
solr.backup.alfresco.cronExpression=0 0/1 * * * ?
solr.backup.archive.cronExpression=0 0/1 * * * ?
### The backup directory
### Trying to disable backup using 0 retention
Actually, a (not recommended) workaround is to comment the two cron triggers bean's definition in webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/subsystems/Search/solr/solr-backup-context.xml
<bean id="search.alfrescoCoreBackupTrigger" class="org.alfresco.util.CronTriggerBean">
<!– blablabla –>
<!– blablabla –>
<bean id="search.archiveCoreBackupTrigger" class="org.alfresco.util.CronTriggerBean">
<!– blablabla –>
However this is not a good practice because I have to touch a spring context of exploded alfresco in the Tomcat webapps directory.
Is there any suggestion?
11-15-2014 09:36 PM
11-24-2014 11:25 AM
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