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How to create variables in activiti designer

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am newbie to activiti BPM & started getting hands dirty with activiti designer.

May I know how to get following things done.
1. How to create variables in activiti designer and using them in business process
2. How to define a business calendar
3. How to connet to user repositry, we are using DB as user repository
4. How to assign roles/groups to swimlanes

Many thanks and your help is very much appreciated.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1-2-3 not possible with the designer (nor in BPMN 2.0)

Many thanks for your response.

May i know the reponse for question no - 4.  Regarding ques-3, we are maintaining the users & roles in oracle db and using some custom written classes to load into one of the BPM product. So now we want to use activiti in out solution and looking to use same oracle db as user registry for activit as well. Have seen the documentation to point activiti to LDAP but no clue to use oracle db.

Then business calendar. do we need to set the task due date from java OR is there any feature.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I didn't respons to question nr 4 cause it is a matter of looking in the documentation.

As for your user db question: no, we don't have support for that out of the box. But since assignment can use expression and custom beans, it's possible to write that yourself.