11-15-2016 01:55 AM
I am new to alfresco,I want to make change in existing out-of-the box discussion module,more specific I want to add a new field(Text box or Drop down) for category of the post being created. so i can make them in categorized so is it possible and if yes than how?
11-15-2016 03:21 AM
I don't think you need to add something in the model.
Use the aspect "cm:generalclassifiable" to hold that information.
In order to allow your user to choose a category, you will have to update the form for the discussion type in order to show the "cm:categories" field.
Look at the documentation : Configuring forms | Alfresco Documentation
You could also look to tutorial from Jeff Potss (ecmarchitect.com)
11-15-2016 05:19 AM
It is bit difficult for me. if possible can explain me in little more detail please.
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