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How to create form input data in web Quick start

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello ..! Every one could u help me ? It possible for create form for input data in web Quick start ? and What is module or Component that we use with ?
For Example In joomla ,if we want to create Form For Input Data ..We can use with Jummi component .
So if i want to create like this in Web Quick Start .How could I do?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Do you mean create a new form within the web application similar to the "contact" form, or do you mean create a new form within Share for content editorial use?

Regards, Ben.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes,i mean create a new form with the web application similar to the "contact" form ,but it has more field than "contact" form. So,Could you show me  step by step about this ?
Regards, Mono.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The form itself is just HTML and Freemarker (see the contact form - wcmqs\WEB-INF\webscripts\contact\form.get.html.ftl), however the more important part is how to process the User Generated Content within Alfresco. You can add your own type of visitor feedback and configure a handler that defines what is done when the content is submitted. This is documented within the QS Developer Guide here -

Regards, Ben.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello! i want to created new link the same contact label in WQS site ,so i try to created new label  near the contact label in the top right of WQS site "webapps\wcmqs\WEB-INF\webscripts\common\page.ftl"  and  i was copied  folder  contact   in the same directory  after that i rename this folder, So when i go to WQS site i get massage error like this :

" Sorry, but the requested page was not found
  Please check that you have spelled the address correctly or use the navigation tools above to find the page you're looking for."

How can i do?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The contact link is effectivley a static, hard coded anchor pointing to a content item. If you would like to simply replicate the contact form, you could just copy and paste the contact.html content item located under /root/contact, and rename it e.g. /root/contact/test.html. Then setup the new URL in page.ftl e.g.

 <li><a href="${url.context}/contact/test.html">${msg('links.test')}</a></li>
Note you will also need the appropriate message bundle value for "links.test", or for testing purposes, just render the anchor without the bundle value e.g.
 <li><a href="${url.context}/contact/test.html">Test</a></li>

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

Regards, Ben.