Here's what I do:
1) Log in as admin
2) Go to "company home" –> "web projects"
3) Click on "Create" –> "Create Web Project"
4) Give your web site a name, description, etc. I leave the default webapp as "ROOT"
5) Click Next, skip the step about "Create from existing web project"
6) Add a test deployment server(s) and a live deployment server(s) [see below for more details, you can skip this step for now]
7) Add some web forms and/or workflows to the web site. You can add 0 web forms if you want, and just accept the default serial workflow
😎 Add some system users to your web site with various roles (contributor, author, approver, etc.)
When you set up a new web project, all the content that gets contributed is just going to stick around inside Alfresco until/unless you deploy it out to a remote server where your Apache or Tomcat server can access it. Assuming you're just creating a static web site, you'll need to set up a File System Receiver on some machine and configure Apache to read that content as its docroot.
Hope the helps get you started.