12-20-2016 09:50 PM
Hello world,
I am new to afresco. I want to build and deploy alfresco 5.2 on intellij with maven and run alfresco with url http://localhost:8080/share.
I have finished these steps:
What can I do next?
Best Regards.
12-21-2016 02:33 AM
Hi Bruce,
For Alfresco Development, you can use alfresco SDK.
For alfresco SDK, you just need maven and java.
After maven is installed, you can refer to this video for alfresco SDK
Video Link : 1119
In that video, there is "Remote Archetype Catalog". It is not available in IntelliJ by default. You need to add simple plugin which is "Maven Archetype Catalogs"
Let me know if you have any further query with this.
12-21-2016 10:36 PM
Hi Kalpesh,
Thanks for your reply.
i have builded and deployed alfresco source code successfully on intellij with maven,which source code svn url is http://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD.
after builded it ,it generate afresco.war in this path "workspace/idea/alfresco/projects/web-client/target/alfresco.war".
then i run the web-client project successfully , i can access to alfresco with url http://localhost:8080/alfresco。it seems that alfresco repository deployment is successful.
so my questiones are:
1,what is the differece between Alfresco Repository AMP and the way i used about alfresco repository deployment?
2,if i want to run share,Do I need to deploy share amp archetype?
12-21-2016 10:41 PM
Alfresco Module Package (AMP) can be installed to an Alfresco server in order to extend alfresco.
if you want to install share war ,you need to install share-services amp into alfresco.
12-22-2016 12:02 AM
The AMPs are the default packaging for the alfresco projects.
However, you can deploy your projects in the form of JAR, too. If you are using separate archetype for both share and repository, you need to have installed both archetypes on your IDE.
Whenever you want to deploy only repository part of your alfresco project, you need to deploy only the Alfresco AMP, same as if you want to deploy only share side customization, you need to deploy only Share AMP.
For example- content models and workflows are the part of the repository but their UI/forms would be the part of the share, so in this case, you need to deploy both the amps.
NOTE: Alfresco repository will run on http://localhost:8080/ and Share will run on http://localhost:8081 by default.
12-22-2016 02:21 AM
Hi kalpesh,
i have installed share-services amp into alfresco.
my share services version is 5.2.0,but share amp is only 5.1.
when Creating a Share extension project ,the step in "Choose org.alfresco.maven.archetype, alfresco-amp-archetype",i choose the newest version 2.2,at last share amp is only 5.1.
warning when i log in.
You're using Share Services version 5.2.0. For Share to run correctly you need to use version 5.1.0.
how to deploy share amp with 5.2.0 version?
12-22-2016 03:11 AM
Share-services amp version need to match the Share version.
You can uninstall share services amp 5.2.0 version and install 5.1.0 version.
But I think you can just ignore this warning ,it might run correctly.
12-22-2016 03:32 AM
Thanks very much!
I want to know platform architecture , Platform services,data model like content model,version model and so on.
Can you give me some good advice?
12-22-2016 03:51 AM
You can refer to alfresco docs Alfresco Documentation | Alfresco Documentation
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