08-29-2013 04:18 AM
08-29-2013 06:00 AM
new Alfresco.getFileUploadInstance()
thing, and there is the setup of th instance. In that setup, you can set the container, or directly the nodeRef of the folder you're uplodaing to.
siteId: siteId,
containerId: doclibContainerId,
path: docLibUploadPath,
filter: [],
mode: fileUpload.MODE_MULTI_UPLOAD,
08-30-2013 03:38 AM
model.contentTypes = getContentTypes();
model.currentFolder = getNameCurrentFolder(); /* This method should be able to get the name of the current folder of document Library where user upload a document receiving a param from flash-upload.js*/
<select class="fileupload-contentType-select" tabindex="0">
<#if (contentTypes?size > 0)>
<#list contentTypes as contentType>
<option value="${contentType.id}" <#if (("${msg(contentType.value)}" == "${currentFolder!}"))> selected="selected"</#if>>${msg(contentType.value)}</option>
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