I am porting an app from jbpm 4. In jpdl we had the notion of different transitions for tasks. It would be super helpful to me if I could understand how this notion translates to Activiti and BPMN.
In jpdl each task had a notion of different outcomes or transitions. You could control flow by completing a task with a particular outcome. In activity your only option is to complete a task.
I see how the gateways and conditional statements in conjunction with setting variables accomplish much the same thing. But the old way seemed better in that outgoing transitions were self describing. I could create a task node that lets a manager "approve" or "disapprove" a piece of work by creating those transitions. I could read these transitions right off the task and create a UI that presented a choice of approve or disapprove.
Can I do something like this in Activiti? Looking at the docs it seems that one solution is to use a form enum variable. Within an app one could perhaps adopt a convention per human task to specify a variable called "outcomes" and to use it to hold a list of outgoing transitions.
What I'd like to know is if this is the right way to go about thinking this sort issue. Is the above a reasonable solution to the problem? Is it even a problem? Perhaps I am stuck in a old way of thinking.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all the hard work!
Robert Moskal
Brooklyn, USA