11-18-2019 11:06 PM
I have followed the instructions above.
After RUN project I custom "onclick" function in a file "activiti-transitions.js" in the path: "..\alfresco\workflow-tutorial\target\tomcat\webapps\workflow-tutorial-share\components\form\workflow"
I add custom same as below:
onClick: function ActivitiTransitions_onClick(e, p_obj)
//MNT-2196 fix, disable transition button to prevent multiple execution
p_obj.set("disabled", true);
// determine what button was pressed by it's id
var buttonId = p_obj.get("id");
var transitionId = buttonId.substring(this.id.length+1);
// get the hidden field
var hiddenField = this._getHiddenField();
// set the hidden field value
Dom.setAttribute(hiddenField, "value", transitionId);
if (Alfresco.logger.isDebugEnabled())
Alfresco.logger.debug("Set transitions hidden field to: " + transitionId);
// generate the hidden transitions field
function org_alfresco_training_onActionCallWebScriptSuccess(response) {
title: this.msg("Title"),
text: JSON.stringify(response.json),
buttons: [
text: this.msg("button.ok"),
handler: function org_alfresco_training_onActionCallWebScriptSuccess_success_ok() {
isDefault: true
text: this.msg("button.cancel"),
handler: function org_alfresco_training_onActionCallWebScriptSuccess_cancel() {
// attempt to submit the form
I want to showing MessageBox, Did I do something wrong?
Please help me!
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