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How can I build activiti-explorer war from source?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi guys,

I've downloaded the activiti project, made some slight modifications, and now I would like to build a new activiti-explorer webapp and deploy it. However, I'm not sure what maven project should I build:

- The activiti-explorer module's target is a jar.
- I've also tried to build from the activiti-webapp-explorer2 (which targets to a .war) and I even deployed it to a tomcat, but I've noticed that the deployed webapp has a different structure compared to the equivalent of an official built activiti-explorer.war

Can you please help me build a new explorer webapp?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Here's how we start it up in dev:

It does a "mvn -PbuildWebappDependencies clean install" on the root, and then a "mvn clean package"