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How can do a search on the workflows using Date or ArrayList

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Gurus,

I have set of issues related to the workflow search engine, and i hope that your patience cover me.

- Workflow Search Engine Does not search by Date

Once i use WorkflowTaskQuery and set custom properties with a map, one of its item is Date the workflow service does not return a workflows that matched the Date property.
Also, once i use the Workflow Console to do a search upon workflows using Date custom property, there are no tasks retrieved and the form of query is query task task.CSMersalWF:CreationDate= Sun Jan 29 ….

- Workflow Search engine does not support OR AND combination
How can do a search or query for tasks using OR AND combination ?

- Workflow Search engine does not support byteArray
If i need to do a search on tasks have a property with ArrayList, how can i do that ? once i try to do that an exception has been thrown and its details was "org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException - Variables of type ByteArray cannot be used to query".

Thanks for your patience.

Mohammed Amr.
Digital Series Co.
Senior System Developer

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Looking at the WorkflowService API, the queryTasks methods are limited to what is contained in a WorkflowTaskQuery object which does not contain a date or any general search methods.  What is the "Workflow Search Engine"?  Are you referring to the interface that you are using to run queries against the tasks?

I am considering extending the WorkflowService class to include a "search" method that provide simple regex parsing of the entire WorkflowTask and return a list of all matches.  Does anything like this already exist?


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