01-10-2013 05:35 AM
should get […] all form-properties that were submitted in any task or when starting the process with id "123"
String processInstanceId = historyService
List<HistoricDetail> historicFormProperties = historyService
and the XML of my Start-Element like this:
<startEvent id="_8" isInterrupting="true" name="neues Praxissemester" parallelMultiple="false">
<activiti:formProperty id="student" name="Student" required="true" type="string" variable="student"/>
<activiti:formProperty id="studentMail" name="Student-Mail-Adresse" required="true" type="string" variable="studentMail"/>
… more FormProperties
01-10-2013 07:46 AM
Map<String, String> formProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
formProperties.put("formProp1", "Activiti rocks");
formProperties.put("formProp2", "12345");
ProcessDefinition procDef = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery().processDefinitionKey("historicFormPropertiesProcess").singleResult();
ProcessInstance processInstance = formService.submitStartFormData(procDef.getId() , formProperties);
// 4 historic form properties should be created. 2 when process started, 2 when task completed
List<HistoricDetail> props = historyService.createHistoricDetailQuery()
HistoricFormProperty historicProperty1 = (HistoricFormProperty) props.get(0);
assertEquals("formProp1", historicProperty1.getPropertyId());
assertEquals("Activiti rocks", historicProperty1.getPropertyValue());
01-14-2013 01:49 AM
runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("key", processVariables);
to start the process and expected it to work like
formService.submitStartFormData(definition.getId(), processVariables);
So I changed that method call, when trying to start the process, and now everything works just fine.
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