Hi: First post, gentle replies appreciated My company is reviewing Alfresco Community version. There's a bit of resistance – seems one of our managers worked with it approximately two years ago. I'm the BA (biz analyst), with a mission of "review and recommend". I've perused the website and am aware of several versions:
Version: 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
Could any of you help by telling me which version was being used back in 2007, and if there exists a "features by release" description.
In 2007 it was probably 2.1 but could have been an even earlier release. With hindsight, 2.1 seems to have been a pretty good release and there are still folks getting value from using it.
There's quite a lot of change since the 2.1 release though.
Quick summary: AMPs: Records Management, Blog Integration, PHP Integration Extensions: Web Services Client, Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PPT) Add-ins
Where "web services" includes: - authenticate a user - searches - how content can be created, read and updated - construct and execute CML (cache meta language?) queries - check documents out, check them back in and then view the version history - content can be queried for using categories - Ref: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Web_Service_Samples_for_Java