10-23-2014 07:57 AM
10-26-2014 03:27 AM
10-27-2014 12:31 AM
10-28-2014 09:31 AM
Have you work on activiti-crystalball module?
10-29-2014 02:48 PM
11-26-2014 12:03 PM
11-26-2014 02:08 PM
I need to make dry run to allow user to test their process on spot(from modeler using option on toolbar),at first you have to set up simulation experiment. (set of events to be executed in the simulation run - in the case of replay or playback - events are taken from history.)
I cant understand how user knows that its process is successfully executed is that show from diagrams generated by ProcessDiagramGenerator or something else?It depends on the test assertion. Basically in simulation we can evaluate what is the probability that some event occur. User who gets the report must know how to read the report.
or can u tell me the what different colors (red, green, yellow) shows on diagram?Could you point me to the report?
11-26-2014 11:57 PM
11-27-2014 02:07 AM
11-27-2014 05:23 AM
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