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Forum Posts

JBoss error: ...ContentIOException: Failed to get writer

I have Alfresco 2.0 (I believe…how do you know the version for sure?) running on JBoss, with Oracle database.  It used to work fine, but could only be started by the user account who did the installation.  So we recently changed the permissions to a ...

klwalker by Champ in-the-making
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Office Plugin - doesn't know about Alfresco content

I have installed the most recent 2.1 community final Office Plugin in Word 2003 and Excel 2003.Most things look right, however when I open a document stored in Alfresco or save a new document into Alfresco, the Document Details window never shows the...

rbelisle by Champ in-the-making
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Je tente une migration Alfresco Community Network...

Bonjour,Je tente une migration Alfresco Community Network - v1.3.0 vers Community Network - v2.1.0 (482) mais sans succès.Je suis sous windows xp pro sp2 sur les 2 pc's.1 - J'ai essayer d'exporter des fichiers xxx.ACP de la version 1.3 puis de les im...

ridisc30 by Champ in-the-making
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Paths conversions

Hi Roy,I want to use the ws api to browse entirely my repository so that I can detect  duplicates (same name, mime type and size) to delete them.So after a highly general query, I get the colums and find a NamedValue like this one {http://www.alfresc...

jbaton by Champ in-the-making
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How to find current workflow user? [SOLVED]

Hi All,Again help in advance.Within my process definition I have the following task.  In it I'm trying to find the current user who kicks of the "Send to Artist" transition.<task-node name="Waiting for Artist">   <task name="wf:waitingForArtistTask" ...

Dynamically create space

Is it possible to create spaces and subsequent rights to the space dynamically?I am adding content to Alfresco through the Ascent Capture release and based on the filename (user id) I want to create a space (first check if the space already exists) a...


Hi, I am testing Alfresco 2.1 and I realised that the new dashboard feature  "MyDocuments" (Document List) doesn't do what I was expecting. I expected that this feature will show the user all the documents that he upload ou created in in every space,...

cneto by Champ in-the-making
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Linux Installation

Hi. I have many questions about the installation on linux:1. May i install tomcat server separately of alfresco bundle, or two things are together like in windows?2. When i execute the start scrip, the system says that @@ALFRESCO_DIR@@ doesn´t exi...

srojas by Champ in-the-making
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synchronisation LDAP

Bonjour,je dispose d'un Alfresco Version: Enterprise Network - v2.1.0 (112)j'ai installé un serveur LDAP "fedora directory server" et j'ai activé la configuration LDAP d'alfresco en renommant :ldap-authentication-context.xml.sample en ldap-authentica...

denisr by Champ in-the-making
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New to Alfresco with a few questions.

I have installed Alfresco with the Web Content addon but i cannot seem to get Desktop File Access going.I have used the VMWare version and i could go right to where all the content was and i easily added all my content from various projects.All my co...

worsin by Champ in-the-making
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