11-12-2010 05:46 PM
<!– Global config section –>
<config replace="true">
<item type="link" id="test-site" label="Test Site" icon="sites.png">/site/test/documentlibrary</item>
That worked, but the following is what I really want to do, but haven't had success with yet.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="UriTemplate" replace="true">
<uri-template id="sitedashboardpage">/site/{site}/dashboard</uri-template>
<!– Adding the uri template below in at attempt to change the urls on the site menu making them go directly to the document library. –>
<uri-template id="sitedocumentlibrarypage">/site/{site}/documentlibrary</uri-template>
<uri-template id="sitepage">/site/{site}/{pageid}</uri-template>
<uri-template id="userdashboardpage">/user/{userid}/dashboard</uri-template>
<uri-template id="userpage">/user/{userid}/{pageid}</uri-template>
<uri-template id="userprofilepage">/user/{userid}/profile</uri-template>
<uri-template id="userdefaultpage">/user/{pageid}</uri-template>
<uri-template id="consoletoolpage">/console/{pageid}/{toolid}</uri-template>
<uri-template id="consolepage">/console/{pageid}</uri-template>
2. Next, I changed the _renderFavouriteSites function in /modules/header/sites.js file like this:
_renderFavouriteSites: function Sites__renderFavouriteSites()
for (i = 0, ii = sites.length; i < ii; i++)
text: $html(this.options.favouriteSites[sites[i]]),
/* Using my new sitedocumentlibrarypage uri template instead of sitedashboardpage */
url: Alfresco.util.uriTemplate("sitedocumentlibrarypage",
site: sites[i]
}, 0);
I know I should have done #2 above in a new javascript file and then added it to the dependencies, but this is a test at this point.11-12-2010 07:00 PM
11-14-2010 06:07 PM
11-15-2010 03:46 AM
<!– Global config section –>
<config replace="true">
Developer debugging setting to turn on DEBUG mode for client scripts in the browser
LOGGING can always be toggled at runtime when in DEBUG mode (Ctrl, Ctrl, Shift, Shift).
This flag automatically activates logging on page load.
11-15-2010 01:30 PM
03-07-2012 05:48 AM
* Event callback when dialog template has been loaded
* @method onTemplateLoaded
* @param response {object} Server response from load template XHR request
onTemplateLoaded: function Sites_onTemplateLoaded(response)
// Inject the template from the XHR request into a new DIV element
var containerDiv = document.createElement("div");
containerDiv.innerHTML = response.serverResponse.responseText;
document.body.insertBefore(containerDiv, document.body.firstChild);
this.widgets.sitesButton = new YAHOO.widget.Button(this.id,
type: "menu",
menu: this.id + "-sites-menu",
lazyloadmenu: false
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