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Have you tried the new v1 REST APIs yet ?


You may have noticed that Gavin Cornwell has started a great blog post series on getting started with the new v1 REST APIs (ten parts so far). Ole Hejlskov has also recorded a short video to introduce the REST APIS. 

All the links are now available here Alfresco public REST APIs 

Have you had a chance to download the latest Alfresco Community ECM (Content Services) release and try them out ? The incremental new APIs introduce features for managing nodes, associations, people, sites, shared-links (etc) as well in-built queries and the new advanced search api. This is in addition to existing collaborative features, such as favourites, comments, ratings, tags & activities.

I've also been listing the milestone releases here: Alfresco REST API of the future ... is closer than you think (under the description - also includes link to YouTube audio).

We would really appreciate your early feedback and suggestions for valuable enhancements. Please comment here or against Gav's blog posts. If you see any issues then please feel free to raise a separate question or JIRA (if repeatable).

Many thanks,



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Star Contributor


the link does not work for me.

The following link works for me:

Alfresco Community Edition - Nightly builds

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Star Contributor

Hi Jan,

can I have a list of endpoints (without installing the api-explorer)??

The web script home does not list the new endpoints, correct?

BTW, I does not understand the response scheme sometimes. Why are you wrapping the values of an entry into an additional object entry within the entries array of objects?

Hi Jens,

I've updated the link as suggested, thanks

You're right that the v1 REST API endpoints do not appear as part of the web scripts index. Ideally, you should deploy the matching api-explorer.war. You can also access the OpenAPI (swagger) definitions here: rest-api-explorer/src/main/webapp/definitions at community-head · Alfresco/rest-api-explorer · GitHu... 

Otherwise, you can also use OPTIONS to list methods for each of the entity names, such as: /nodes, /sites, /people, ... etc. For example:

curl -umyuserid:mypassword -X OPTIONS http://localhost:8085/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes

Yes, the extra "entry" is a little odd. This was inherited as part of the original v1 REST API design (for 4.2 to 5.1) but we didn't want to introduce any breaking api changes, at least not for the foreseeable future. Ultimately, if we were to ever introduce v2 REST API (no current plans) then we would likely remove this extra level.

Thanks for the feedback so far.




Thanks for your feedback so far via the various channels, including here, on the blogs posts and in JIRA.

I have also updated the original question to reference Community 201611 EA and also added links to new blog posts.

