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GWT+Alfresco Integration Architecture

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

  I am using GWT/Smart GWT for presentation and Alfresco as CMS. This is basically for enabling document management only. (like storing documents, retrival, restricting access permissions for various users etc)
I have various questions regarding finaliszation of Architecture.

   1. xxxFrontEnd.war (Intended for fron end purposes ex. for uploading/viewing/grant permissions against users for document access etc.. (GWT->Servlet->Business layer(having call RESTful webservices on Server)

   2. xxxAlf.war  (Intended for writing webscript services, for using in xxxFrontEnd application.

Deployment options:
1. Both deployed on same server on same machine
2. FrontEnd.war in one node and xxxAlf.war in another, so that load will be minimised on alfresco server.

Technology stack:
     1. How about using Java API instead of Webscripts (As content services api's are classified as Java, Script(webscript) and webservices)
     2. My understanding is Java Content service means usage of Java API means is JCR. (Please correct if I am wrong)
The architecture should be good in performance and should be scalable.

Thanks in advance,
Hanumesh M

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

we are making an application with architecture Alfresco+GWT.
We decide to use Alfresco Web scripts with JSON format output.

GWT part only make presentation. All sevices are in alfresco, we create a dedicated business service layer.
So our GWT call webscripts, webscripts use our business services (composite services), our business services use alfresco services (elementary services) and alfresco service use alfresco repository.

Be careful with the SOP, you need to be on same domain, you can't do cross-domain or you will need to make more complicated call in GWT (use of callback, be careful with security)

Webscript are light-weight and easy to develop. You can mix Javascript or Java Webscripts. Ouput in JSON is quick and easy with Freemarker. We can separate dev on front and back with little "fake" webscript returning static datas.

You don't need to use JCR, JCR API is more restrictive than Alfresco API.

Hope this help Smiley Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would suggest to make use of webscripts.