Does anyone have any experience or ideas about how to integrate Google Analytics into a web site that is managed using Alfresco WCM?
My feeling is that it should not be too hard to do. Google Analytics is just a simple JavaScript that is included on every web page in the site. The only thing you need in the web site is human-readable URL's (but you would want that anyway).
What we did on our site: was make use of jsp includes. You could use others like shtml if you wanted.
In order to prevent some false readings in Google from our development we use two footers. Basically a sitefoot.jsp, and a What then happens is during our content deployment process the is renamed to sitefoot.jsp.
Before we started doing this we would have additional reports that were refered from very odd sources.
I would also advise configuring Google Analytics to ignore your own domain. That helped us rule out some issues during testing.
If your footer is extremely complex you could create another include as well, but for our purposes simply using an additional include worked.
This is one area of our site that I want to work on later. Since we do have methods to know if the content is in Alfresco or live we could have the jsp do some logic to know when to display google's javascript, but we have not added that as of yet.
If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me an email: