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Global Virtual Hack-a-thons

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The Deal

We provide:

  • Suggested projects,
  • Alfresco experts with whom you can collaborate,
  • An audience for you to show off your work.

Your participation means that you:

  • Spend some time working on an Alfresco project that you find interesting,
  • Collaborate with others on their projects,
  • Share what you accomplished and learned.

Join the Event

Join the IRC chat or Discord channel on the day of the hack-a-thon October 5th, 2018 and discuss what you are working on. If you prepare in advance you will enjoy the event a lot more. Feel free to join our concurrent web meeting on

There are a few actions you might want to take to prepare:

  • Stay Up-to-date: Follow the Global Hackathon space to get reminders and participate in the conversation.
  • Ideas: Submit a project idea on the page for projects and teams. Recruit others to work on your project with you.
  • Teams: Join a team on the page for projects and teams.
    • Help your team plan the project and determine how you will collaborate during the event.
    • Do any prep work suggested by your team. Install developer tools and learn skills that will be needed for your project.
  • Social Media: Use the hashtags #Alfresco #Hackathon

The hack-a-thon starts when you join the chat channel in the morning and ends when people decide to be done. You do not have to participate the entire day. Feel free to collaborate with people in other timezones.


  • Please make sure your project is listed on this platform so that others can join and we can acknowledge your progress.
  • Please sign up for a specific project ahead of the hack-a-thon.
  • We will use the chat channel for collaboration between teams.
  • Teams may use whatever they want to collaborate on their projects.
  • If a team has a question, they should bring it to the chat channel for discussion.
  • APAC will start the fun, and can collaborate with EMEA as they get started. AMS can work with EMEA as they overlap.
  • When a project team has finished for the day, or shortly after the hack-a-thon, they will record a video of their work to share with others. Google Hangouts on Air can be a good way to do this.

Suggested Tools


  • The next Tech Talk Live will include a recap of the hack-a-thon and demos.
  • We use Zoom for a concurrent web meeting where people can show their results of the day within the group of participants.
  • We use Google Hangout for Tech Talk Live and any demos during that section.

Detailed Instructions

The hack-a-thon starts when you arrive in the morning, and ends when people decide to be done. You do not have to participate the entire day. We expect to need the most help in the morning when people in your time zone are getting started.

We are relying on informed coordinators to help the event be fun and productive for all attendees (including you). The event proceeds as follows:

  • People log in to #alfresco on Freenode IRC when you start in the morning (we recommend 9 AM local time). Browse to (more instructions at IRC Chat)
  • Alternatively, log into the #alfresco channel on Discord (IRC and Discord are being bridged by a bot, so you don't miss out if you choose either IRC or Discord).
  • Those who already have a project in mind talk with their team and start work.
  • Those who don’t have a project in mind check the project ideas and select a project.
  • As people get stuck, they ask questions on #alfresco and the coordinators help.
  • Those who are in a room with other participants get lunch.
  • At the end of the day each hack-a-thon team should coordinate with the Alfresco community team ( regarding contact details for preparing / organising a Tech Talk Live for demoing results to the Alfresco community

Then during the event you should:

  • Spend at least part of the day working on an Alfresco related project of your choice,
  • Hang out on the chat channel so that if someone asks a question you can help answer it,
  • Help people who don't understand how to participate to get connected with a team and start on a project.
  • Make sure your project is listed so others can find you.
  • Help record a demo video of your team's results.

We will do demos during the next Tech Talk Live so that people can focus on their projects during the hack-a-thon day. This also allows people to come and go as needed. If the tech talk live is not at a convenient time for your team, someone on your team can send us a short demo video and we will share it during the broadcast. We can help you make the video if you want a live audience for the demo.