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Global eventlistener and history api

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I checked the board, the documentation and the engine and I miss the following:

- A global listener/interceptor/bus whatever which can catch events and sending out notifications for each process without modeling. For example to inform the user that an error occure via XMPP or E-Mail or something else.
- Is it possible to get the status of a process with the history api? I like to implement a dashboard which shows running and failed process instances.

Are there plans or ways to implement this features?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

IMHO the power of the process definitions, especially their graphical form, is indeed the visibility of the whole process, which helps its understanding. Hiding the knowledge on the decisions - why the process flows in one or another way - does not help process understanding instead it frustrates both the designer(s), implementer(s), and analytic(s).

Nevertheless, the approach, that comes on the top of my head for your case, is to use additional MessageCatchingEvent to each activity where you want to restart. For your example:    mceB
A –> B –> C –> D
Then, when you detect an exception, you will need to throw the corresponding message to "call" (again) the corresponding activity (step).

Here is what "hedgehog" might look your process definition like:mceA  mceB  mceC  mceD
  |     |     |     |
  v     v     v     v
  A –> B –> C –> D
and all these "needles" do not make the process definition more easy understandable.

AFAIK you can also add these catchers programmatically but I never used this option and can not help you with this option.
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