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global definition for serviceTask and ReceiveTask

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, how can i declare a receiveTask and a serviceTask globaly? i'm having an issue when calling a task that's already defined in a different subprocess as follows:

<startEvent id="start" />
   <sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="start" targetRef="initiate" />
   <serviceTask id="initiate" name="Init" activiti:class="com.activiti.ActivitiServiceTask" />
   <sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="initiate" targetRef="decision" />
   <exclusiveGateway id="bigDecision" name="pick flow A or B"/>

…. define A   
   <sequenceFlow id="flow3" sourceRef="bigDecision" targetRef="FLOW_A" >
      <conditionExpression>${service.evaluate(execution, "isWFA")}</conditionExpression>
   <serviceTask id="FLOW_A" name="WFA" activiti:class="com.activiti.ActivitiServiceTask" />          
   <sequenceFlow id="flowA1" sourceRef="FLOW_A" targetRef="FLOW_A_SubProcess" />
   <sequenceFlow id="flowA2" sourceRef="FLOW_A_SubProcess" targetRef="decisionEnd" />          
   <subProcess id="FLOW_A_SubProcess" name="Handle Sub-Process">
      <startEvent id="startA" />
         <exclusiveGateway id="decisionA" name="Make decision A"  />
         <exclusiveGateway id="decisionAEnd" name="END decision A" />
      <endEvent id="StartAEnd" />

      <sequenceFlow id="flowA3" sourceRef="FLOW_A_SubProcess" targetRef="decisionA" />
      <sequenceFlow id="flowA4" sourceRef="decisionA" targetRef="createProcess" >
         <conditionExpression>${service.evaluate(execution, "isA")}</conditionExpression>
      <sequenceFlow id="flowA5" sourceRef="createProcess" targetRef="completeProcess" />
      <sequenceFlow id="flowA6" sourceRef="completeProcess" targetRef="decisionAEnd" />

      <sequenceFlow id="flowAEnd" sourceRef="decisionAEnd" targetRef="StartAEnd" />

….. now define B
   <sequenceFlow id="flow4" sourceRef="bigDecision" targetRef="FLOW_B" >
      <conditionExpression>${service.evaluate(execution, "isWFB")}</conditionExpression>
   <serviceTask id="FLOW_B" name="WFB" activiti:class="com.activiti.ActivitiServiceTask" />          
   <sequenceFlow id="flowB1" sourceRef="FLOW_B" targetRef="FLOW_B_SubProcess" />
   <sequenceFlow id="flowB2" sourceRef="FLOW_B_SubProcess" targetRef="decisionEnd" />          
   <subProcess id="FLOW_B_SubProcess" name="Handle Sub-Process B">
      <startEvent id="startB" />
         <exclusiveGateway id="decisionB" name="Make decision B"  />
         <serviceTask id="createProcess" name="Create process for B" activiti:class="com.package.activiti.ActivitiServiceTask" />
         <receiveTask id="completeProcess" name="Complete process for B" />
         <exclusiveGateway id="decisionBEnd" name="END decision B" />
      <endEvent id="StartBEnd" />

      <sequenceFlow id="flowB3" sourceRef="FLOW_B_SubProcess" targetRef="decisionB" />

      <sequenceFlow id="flowB4" sourceRef="decisionB" targetRef="createProcess" >
         <conditionExpression>${service.evaluate(execution, "isB")}</conditionExpression>
      <sequenceFlow id="flowB5" sourceRef="createProcess" targetRef="completeProcess" />
      <sequenceFlow id="flowB6" sourceRef="completeProcess" targetRef="decisionBEnd" />

      <sequenceFlow id="flowBEnd" sourceRef="decisionBEnd" targetRef="StartBEnd" />
…. continue

the same code will be called by createProcess and completeProcess, this will throw an error that flowA5 cannot find createProcess. If I define it in A then subprocess B will throw an error saying it's already defined… then how do i define it globaly?

I tried defining the subprocess in a different file but i'm unable to call a different XML. See post

So i'm stuck trying to make it work within the same XML.

any help will be greatly appreciated.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
BPMN doesn't allow you to define the same element twice and there's not global definition either. But a call activity would make sense here. The problem you are having with that is that a sub process called by a call activity doesn't share the parent process instance variables. You have to pass the variables to the sub process explicitly.

Best regards,