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Getting share hostname,port, context i javascript

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
(Maybe this post is better fitted in the Javascript API forum, but that subforum was locked for me)

I have changed the CIFS javascript action __showDetails to link to Share instead. And that was a simple change (I can post how once it is complete).
But I had to hard code the share server name, port and context. I want this be configurable, or read from the setting in (, share.port etc).
I found the projects/repository/source/java/org/alfresco/repo/jscript/, and assumed this could be accessed in javascript. But there seem to be no base object for this. Looking at, it looks like there should be a base object "urls" for this, but it is not available i a desktop action javascript. Also tested "urls" in a webscript, and it didn't work there either.

So how can I get the config value for Share hostname, port and context?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
An alternative approach would be to create a scoped config variable which is accessible from javascript and Freemarker.  See  In webscript-framework-config-custom.xml create your own section (don't use the tag <server> since it is reserved).  Try something like <shareserver>.  Use the generic access method.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Thanks, that approach is however only available to webscripts. For this particular case, it is javascript for cifs desktop actions. It doesn't even have the root scoped objects like companyhome available.

I resolved it by

var companyhome = search.findNode("path", ['workspace','SpacesStore','app:company_home']);
var shareurlsetting = companyhome.childByNamePath('/Data Dictionary/Loftux/ShareUrl');
   var servercontext =["title"];
   var servercontext = "http://localhost:8080/share"
The object ShareUrl is just a content less file i space "Loftux", where I use title to store my setting. Note how I had to create my own companyhome object.