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Getting JS value to WorkflowAction class`

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Friends,

I am doing my customization in Alfresco SHARE
I am stuck with strange issue.
There is Approve / Reject workflow.
Workflow is going fine, the problem is only setting my rejectComment through js to workflow property.
Once reviewer click Reject , it will open one Popup window having textarea ( for reason about reject ),
once user click ok of that popup, I want that reject reason in my WORKFLOW action class.
but some how I am not able to get it in my action class.

my Process definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<process-definition xmlns=""

   <swimlane name="initiator" />

   <start-state name="start">
      <task name="mywf:submitSiteReviewTask" swimlane="initiator">
      <transition name="" to="review" />

   <task-node name="review">
      <task name="mywf:reviewMyTask">
         <assignment class="">

         <event type="pool-assign">
               if (bpm_workflowDueDate != void) taskInstance.dueDate =
               if (bpm_workflowPriority != void)
               taskInstance.priority =
      <transition name="ApproveSite" to="approved" />
      <transition name="RejectSite" to="rejected" >


   <task-node name="rejected">

      <event type="node-enter">
         <action class="">
      <task name="mywf:rejectedTask" swimlane="reviewer">


      <transition name="" to="end" />

   <task-node name="approved">

      <event type="node-enter">
         <action class="">
      <transition name="" to="end" />

   <end-state name="end" />

I have my custom method inside /share/components/dashlets/my-tasks-min.js

doActionOnOkClick: function MyTasks_doActionOnOkClick(taskId, transitionId,rejectComment)
        // Set this taskId to true so we don't send multiple calls for the same task
            this.activeTaskTransitions[taskId] = true;

            var url = YAHOO.lang.substitute("api/workflow/task/end/{taskId}/{transitionId}/{rejectComment}",
               taskId: taskId,
               transitionId: transitionId,
            rejectComment: rejectComment
            // Transition the task
               url: Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + url,
               method: "post",
                  fn: function()
                  scope: this
               successMessage: this._msg("transition.success"),
                  fn: function()
                     this.activeTaskTransitions[taskId] = false
                  scope: this
               failureMessage: this._msg("transition.failure"),
               scope: this

and in turn it will be handled through alfresco side webscript
and related JavaScript

function main()
   // Task ID
   var taskId = url.templateArgs.taskId;
   if (taskId === undefined)
      status.setCode(status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "TaskID missing when ending task.");

   // Check TaskId is valid
   var task = workflow.getTask(taskId);
   if (task === null)
      status.setCode(status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid TaskID when ending task.");
   model.taskId = taskId;
   // Optional Transition ID
   var transitionId = url.templateArgs.transitionId;
   if (transitionId === undefined)

      transitionId = null;
   model.transitionId = transitionId;

    // Optional comment
   var rejectComment = url.templateArgs.rejectComment;
   if (rejectComment === undefined)
      rejectComment = "";
   model.rejectComment = rejectComment;

[b]I am getting here all below 3 parameters perfectly in logger output[/b]
   logger.log("*******  taskID :"+ taskId);
      logger.log("*******  transitionId :"+ transitionId);
        logger.log("*******  rejectComment :"+ rejectComment);

[b]Unfortunetely from below code, I am not able to set reject comment to my workflow property…  I am using alfresco 3.2r enterprise[/b]
   var workflowProperties = task.getProperties();
    workflowProperties["bpm:description"] = rejectComment;




any help appreciated.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Did you solve this ? I just googled for the same thing.

I see that the Community Edition of Alfresco 3.4 has a lot more Workflow functionality.