Hey all:
I debug the program.And I found that if I use the ISO9705.encode() method to modify the filName.using the following code can get the content:
Content[] readResult = contentService.read(new Predicate(new Reference[] { contentReference }, STORE, null), Constants.PROP_CONTENT);
but when I run the following code,I can not get the value of the content:
for (Content content : readResult) {
System.out.println("the url of the content :"+content.getUrl().toString());
String[] SplitedUrl = content.getUrl().split("/");
System.out.println("the value of the SplitedUrl :"+SplitedUrl[SplitedUrl.length - 1]);
if (SplitedUrl[SplitedUrl.length - 1].equals(FileRefenceName)) {
return content;
I debug the code,the value of SplitedUrl[SplitedUrl.length - 1] is changed to IberdrolaSA%282009-03-24%29.xls.SO we can not found that IberdrolaSA(2009-03-24).xls.
Hope somebody help me!