02-02-2010 12:46 PM
02-02-2010 12:51 PM
public String getWebdavUrl()
List<FileInfo> paths = this.services.getFileFolderService().getNamePath(null, getNodeRef());
// build up the webdav url
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(128);
// build up the path skipping the first path as it is the root folder
for (int i=1; i<paths.size(); i++)
return path.toString();
catch (FileNotFoundException nodeErr)
// cannot build path if file no longer exists
return "";
02-02-2010 01:09 PM
this.services.getFileFolderService().getNamePath(null, getNodeRef());
This is how it's done in org.alfresco.repo.jscript.ScriptNode:public String getWebdavUrl()
List<FileInfo> paths = this.services.getFileFolderService().getNamePath(null, getNodeRef());
// build up the webdav url
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(128);
// build up the path skipping the first path as it is the root folder
for (int i=1; i<paths.size(); i++)
return path.toString();
catch (FileNotFoundException nodeErr)
// cannot build path if file no longer exists
return "";
02-03-2010 05:05 AM
<property name="fileFolderService" ref="FileFolderService"/>
public void setFileFolderService(FileFolderService fileFolderService)
this.fileFolderService = fileFolderService;
02-03-2010 07:20 AM
02-09-2010 03:57 AM
public String getWebdavUrl()
Node node = getLinkResolvedNode();
return Utils.generateURL(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), node, URLMode.WEBDAV);
public String getBookmarkUrl()
return Utils.generateURL(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), getNode(), URLMode.SHOW_DETAILS);
02-09-2010 01:41 PM
public String getWebdavUrl( NodeRef nodeRef )
Node node = new Node( nodeRef );
return Utils.generateURL( FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), node, URLMode.WEBDAV );
Have a common situation here,
I found this on org.alfresco.web.beans.BaseDetailsBean ( bean that backs up the space / content detail page, where the webdav link is shown)
public String getWebdavUrl()
Node node = getLinkResolvedNode();
return Utils.generateURL(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), node, URLMode.WEBDAV);
public String getBookmarkUrl()
return Utils.generateURL(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), getNode(), URLMode.SHOW_DETAILS);
Utils class and URLMode enum is at org.alfresco.web.ui.common.Utils and org.alfresco.web.ui.common.Utils.URLMode respectively
using that utility method, you should be able to get complete webdav url to your node.
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