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Generate not-existing DI components.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It's needed to generate model for bpmn files without existing DI components.
Whay I try to do now is to generate BpmnModel, and then fix it, using information from processes and their child components.

The question is - mayby the issue already have been resolved? Or it was asked?
Now I want to fix it in the activity explorer only.

But it seems the better solution- either to add this functionality to BpmnXMLConverter or, add new one, BpmnXMLConverterWithoutDi
Any way, I'd like to share solution with community or, if it has already resolved reust it.

Could you please, let me know, or, what should I do? Who should I contact to discuss it? If it's not solved yet.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I'm not completely following what you are trying to do here: you want to get the XML … without the DI info?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Any way, I'd like to share solution with community or, if it has already resolved reust it.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Ok, but why? What's the use case?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You know, you may look at bpmn plugin for eclipse.
It's possible to import a bpmn file without DI elements and the plugin will generate them automatically.
I (and probably someone else) needed a similar behaver in the activity online bpmn editor. I've added bpmn convertor, but it's too simple.
Hope now the main idea is more clear to you.
The use case.
When you don't have control on the files other clients can send you.
One client has created a file (probably using eclipse plugin)
For some reason, only the actual information about processes/tasks (without DI elements) has been exported into the bpmn file.
Later, you have to import this file into online editor so an operator can edit it if it's needed.
I found some questions about this on internet. So, I think it can be useful.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Ok, I think I understand what you are saying … and it is in Activiti for a while: there is a module which does exactly that. You give it a BpmnModel (parsed version of the XML, pass it and it will try to make 'something' decent by generating the DI information for you (it's based on JgraphX)
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