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French (fr_FR)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Bonjour les Francophones!

We at NeoDoc are currently evaluating the translation files and will start translation asap (after PR6 is published).

If you wish to participate, please post a message here.

À bientôt,
104 REPLIES 104

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Here is a list of terms and their French translation we have used for the French Language Pack (which is almost finished). Thanks for your comments and suggestions for improvement.


Here are some terms that don't match my knowledge of translations. I've removed all terms that looked fine to me. Sentenses begining with "-" are my comments.

advanced space wizard - assistant de création d'espace évolué
- or "dossier", see my comment at the end

browse view - vue synthétique
check in - créer une copie de travail
check in options - options de création de la copie de travail
check out - Validation de la copie de travail modifiée

child spaces - sous-espaces
- or "sous-dossiers", see my comment at the end

company home - accueil
- But i hope alfresco will soon allow us to customize this "company name"…

content node - noeud contenu
- this one looks odd, and i didn't find it in the I prefer use "space" (or "dossier, see my comment at the end)

details view - vue détaillée
file name pattern - motif de recherche sur le nom de fichier

home space node - noeud espace d'accueil
- I prefer use "space" (or "dossier, see my comment at the end)

icon view - vue en icônes

repository item - élément du dépôt
- it stands for a technical item that is not found in the database. We sould use "contenu" instead …

login - se connecter
logout - se déconnecter
- "Connexion" and "Déconnexion" should fit better …

my home - mon accueil
- or "Mes dossiers", see my comment at the end

new space wizard - assitant de création d'un nouvel espace
- or "dossier" …

repository - espace de stockage
version history - historique des versions
wildcard - joker

A last question : do we have to translate "space" with "espace" ? I feel that it is not the true word, we could use the words "espace de stockage", or "répertoire", or better "dossier". (i really like the "dossier" translation).

Another comment about the term "wizard", i don't like it : "edit rule wizard" is similar to "edit rule", so i'll translate it to "editer la règle", but we should ask to Alfresco owners if they do agree with me…

These are my two cents 🙂


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Here is a list of terms and their French translation we have used for the French Language Pack (which is almost finished). Thanks for your comments and suggestions for improvement.

Here are some terms that don't match my knowledge of translations. I've removed all terms that looked fine to me. Sentenses begining with "-" are my comments.

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for your comments.

So I'll replace the following translations with yours :

advanced space wizard - assistant de création d'espace évolué
browse view - vue synthétique
child spaces - sous-espaces
company home - accueil
details view - vue détaillée
icon view - vue en icônes
login - connexion
logout - déconnexion
version history - historique des versions
wildcard - joker

I think you've got check in / check out the wrong way around !
check in - créer une copie de travail
check in options - options de création de la copie de travail
check out - Validation de la copie de travail modifiée
We have done quite a bit of research for check in and check out and it seems that the most common translations are :
check in - archiver
check out - extraire

content node - noeud contenu
- this one looks odd, and i didn't find it in the
Yes, I think the term node is perhaps too technical. We need to find out in what context it is used.

Two outstanding questions :
- do we translate repository as "espace de stockage" or "dépôt"
- is there a more user-friendly term than "espace". A few suggestions : "espace de stockage", "espace de travail", "dossier" …


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Here is a first proposition of scheme for french messages.

Hi Philippe,

I like your suggestion. Are there any other comments from anyone ? Laurent what do you think ?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I think you've got check in / check out the wrong way around !
check in - créer une copie de travail
check in options - options de création de la copie de travail
check out - Validation de la copie de travail modifiée
We have done quite a bit of research for check in and check out and it seems that the most common translations are :
check in - archiver
check out - extraire

I do agree with you, the literal translation for these terms are "archiver" and "extraire", but i feel they have a different meaning in the Alfresco context. When you check in a document, you lock it, create a work-in-progress copy, and when you check out, you replace the current version with the modified copy, and unlock the new version. So "archiver" is not the right word, because archiving seems putting the document in a box because it is obsolete, or because it is too old. Also, when you check out, you don't really extract anything, but you replace the old content with the new validated one.

Anyway, i've also researched on the net, and i've found this :

It says "Extraction" for check-out, and "Ré-introduction" for check-in. Well, i've asked to a french quality assurance guru working with document management systems what he thinks about these translations. I'll post his comments here later.

content node - noeud contenu
- this one looks odd, and i didn't find it in the
Yes, I think the term node is perhaps too technical. We need to find out in what context it is used.

I don't understand where this term is used … So i can't help translate it :-(.

Two outstanding questions :
- do we translate repository as "espace de stockage" or "dépôt"
- is there a more user-friendly term than "espace". A few suggestions : "espace de stockage", "espace de travail", "dossier" …

I prefer "espace de stockage", but i'm a technical guy, and i'm not used to working with document management systems…

On the other hand, I really think "dossier" is a good term. It is a small word and we really put sorted out documents in "dossiers".

Well … We just have now to put these terms avaible for PR7 or october version, so that other people use it, and we'll probably receive comments about misused terms …

Best regards,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I think you've got check in / check out the wrong way around !
check in - créer une copie de travail
check in options - options de création de la copie de travail
check out - Validation de la copie de travail modifiée
We have done quite a bit of research for check in and check out and it seems that the most common translations are :
check in - archiver
check out - extraire

I do agree with you, the literal translation for these terms are "archiver" and "extraire", but i feel they have a different meaning in the Alfresco context. When you check in a document, you lock it, create a work-in-progress copy, and when you check out, you replace the current version with the modified copy, and unlock the new version. So "archiver" is not the right word, because archiving seems putting the document in a box because it is obsolete, or because it is too old. Also, when you check out, you don't really extract anything, but you replace the old content with the new validated one.

Anyway, i've also researched on the net, and i've found this :

It says "Extraction" for check-out, and "Ré-introduction" for check-in. Well, i've asked to a french quality assurance guru working with document management systems what he thinks about these translations. I'll post his comments here later.

I've left it as it was for the minute. I'm sure we'll get a lot of user feedback when end-users start using the system and then we can make any further changes.

content node - noeud contenu
- this one looks odd, and i didn't find it in the
Yes, I think the term node is perhaps too technical. We need to find out in what context it is used.

I don't understand where this term is used … So i can't help translate it :-(.

Then term "node" is only used in some technical error messages, so I've left the translation as "noeud contenu".

Two outstanding questions :
- do we translate repository as "espace de stockage" or "dépôt"
- is there a more user-friendly term than "espace". A few suggestions : "espace de stockage", "espace de travail", "dossier" …

I prefer "espace de stockage", but i'm a technical guy, and i'm not used to working with document management systems…

On the other hand, I really think "dossier" is a good term. It is a small word and we really put sorted out documents in "dossiers".

Well … We just have now to put these terms avaible for PR7 or october version, so that other people use it, and we'll probably receive comments about misused terms …

Best regards,


The other translators prefer the term "dépôt" for "repository" and we can't agree on anything better than "espace" for the moment. There again, I think we'll wait for feedback from real end-users.

Thanks again for all your comments,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've received some information from my document management system guru. FYI, he daily uses a panagon system.

Here is its comment in french :
Le "Check out" correspond à la réservation d'un document de la GED par un utilisateur pour le mettre à jour. Quand un document est au statut « Check out » il n’est plus accessible aux autres en modification.

o        Traduction « Emprunter »

·         Le «Check in » correspond au rangement du document modifié dans la GED.

o        Traduction « Ranger »

I've asked him about space and repository translation.
And i've another comment on those two. In the original file, you can find :
Sur les lignes suivantes sont décrites les phases d'ajout de contenu dans

#create_content_title=Create Content Wizard
#create_content_desc=This wizard helps you to create a new document in a space.
#create_content_step1_title=Step One - Enter Content
#create_content_step1_desc=Enter your document content into the repository.
#create_content_step2_title=Step Two - Properties
#create_content_step2_desc=Enter information about this content.

I wonder if "Space" and "Repository" do not represent the same term and can both be translated in "dossier" ? I'll wait for my guru answers …

Afterwards, you'll be open to accept or not my suggestions :-).


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've received some answer from my guru.

He uses Netdocuments (i don't really know if it is the same thing that Panagon).

Here is its answer :
Dans notre outil (Netdocuments), nous avons les appellations suivantes :
- Repository, Cabinet et folder.

Repository est lié à la notion de contrat : N users avec un certain espace de stockage
Cabinet : super-repertoire qui correspond à un ensemble logique d'information (projet Etudes, projet Infrastructure, Sécurité, etc.)

Folder : sub-division d'un cabinet.

Votre "repository" semble correspondre à notre "Cabinet",
Votre "space" à notre "folder".

So my conclusion is that we can translate :
- "space" - "dossier"
- "Repository" - "Espace documentaire"

I let you decide …

Best regards,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It seems like the notion of repository, cabinet and folder fits the documentum paradigm more than the Filenet one.

The notion of a repository is really the entire collection of spaces. Is there not a notion of "repositoire" or depository that we could use? – "Dépôt"? Base de données des documents?

The word "dossier" translates directly to "folder", which fits the traditional sense of what we are doing today. However, we wanted to create the notion of a place where people meet to share and discuss information. From that perspective, is "espace" or "endroit" more appropriate? (Given my limited knowledge of French. Il y a 25 ans depuis j'ai suivi les cours de français à l'université.)

In many ways, the notion of "cabinet" as documentum described it fits the notion of space. As mentioned there is the notion of control security in a cabinet. (The idea of lock and key.) However, cabinet is probably closer to a top level space and folder to sub-spaces as expressed in the "sub-division d'un cabinet". We still need to work these concept out more. I would expect a cabinet-like concept to become a space and "dossier" to become a folder in the near future. We are still working on these concepts. For the moment, I would translate the notion of "space" directly to something other than "dossier" and probably to the choices above. We can handle folders later.

Hope that helps. Feel free to email me on john.newton at

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I agree with you that "dossier" does not match with what spaces will be in Alfresco. I did not understand that before. Therefore, i agree that "espace" should be a good translation.

For translating "repository", as far as i understand its meaning, we could use "entrepot" (data warehouse). Another proposal should be "zone de stockage", but i think it is too long.

And yes, it helped 🙂


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
For the moment, I would translate the notion of "space" directly to something other than "dossier" and probably to the choices above. We can handle folders later.

Hi John,

I'll ask Philippe to change "dossier" back to "espace" for the moment then.

For "repository", what do you (french) guys prefer : "dépôt" or "entrepôt" ?

Either way, I think we're ready for an initial release of the French Language Pack, then we'll see what feedback we get.

Best regards,