07-13-2007 06:43 AM
<input type='text' maxlength='1024' size='32' name='searchinst' id='searchinst'/>
<span class="taskAction" onClick="javascript:includeContent();">Búsqueda</span>
<select style='width:240px;' name='inst_derivated' id='inst_derivated' size='4' multiple>
<#assign buscar="TEXT:\"" + $('searchinst').value + "\"">
<#assign docs=companyhome.nodeByReference[home].childrenByLuceneSearch["$"]?sort_by('name')>
var i=0;
<#list docs as d>
$('inst_derivated').options[i].text = "${d.name}";
$('inst_derivated').options[i].value = "${d.nodeRef}";
07-25-2007 12:50 PM
I'm not using web script i'm using "raw" ftl (apply template on document/space details)….Ok, but could you post the relevant parts here please? It makes it much easier to find out what the problem is…
07-25-2007 12:57 PM
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" maxlength="1024" size="32" name="inst_derivated" id="inst_derivated" />
<input type="submit" />
args["inst_derivated"] = ${args["inst_derivated"]}
07-26-2007 06:27 AM
<#– Check existence of args Map object –>
<#if args?exists>
<#– Check existence of our request variable –>
<#if args["inst_derivated"]?exists>
You submitted: ${args["inst_derivated"]}
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" maxlength="1024" size="32" name="inst_derivated" />
<input type="submit" />
Template not served by TemplateContentServlet!
07-26-2007 04:03 PM
08-06-2007 07:37 PM
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