Everything it's ok until I reach the last step: "Now you have a environment for working with Activiti Designer. To run Designer, right click the org.activiti.designer.eclipse project and choose Run as > Eclipse application." were another instance of eclipse runs but without any feedback of It, it hasn't the activity designer or anything similar on it.
I tried doing "mvn install" of the application, but after doing changes in the manifest to solve the ".qualifier" error, I have the following error output in the line command:
… [DEBUG] Original compiler output: ———- 1. ERROR in C:\Users\User\workspaces\test8\activiti-designer-5.15.0\org.activiti.designer.util\src\main\java\org\activiti\designer\util\eclipse\ActivitiUiUtil.java (at line 6) import org.activiti.bpmn.model.Activity; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.activiti.bpmn cannot be resolved ———- 2. ERROR in C:\Users\User\workspaces\test8\activiti-designer-5.15.0\org.activiti.designer.util\src\main\java\org\activiti\designer\util\eclipse\ActivitiUiUtil.java (at line 7) import org.activiti.bpmn.model.Artifact; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.activiti.bpmn cannot be resolved ———- 3. ERROR in C:\Users\User\workspaces\test8\activiti-designer-5.15.0\org.activiti.designer.util\src\main\java\org\activiti\designer\util\eclipse\ActivitiUiUtil.java (at line 😎 import org.activiti.bpmn.model.Association; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.activiti.bpmn cannot be resolved ———- 4. ERROR in C:\Users\User\workspaces\test8\activiti-designer-5.15.0\org.activiti.designer.util\src\main\java\org\activiti\designer\util\eclipse\ActivitiUiUtil.java (at line 9) import org.activiti.bpmn.model.BaseElement; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.activiti.bpmn cannot be resolved ———- 5. ERROR in C:\Users\User\workspaces\test8\activiti-designer-5.15.0\org.activiti.designer.util\src\main\java\org\activiti\designer\util\eclipse\ActivitiUiUtil.java (at line 10) import org.activiti.bpmn.model.BoundaryEvent; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import org.activiti.bpmn cannot be resolved …
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong??, or any change that I have to make?? please I need some help. Thanks in advice.
Yes, that's understandable, it's not a very easy setup. To get started I use mvn eclipse:eclipse from the parent plugin. Then you can import the Maven projects into the Eclipse RCP development environment. You also need to make sure that the libs plugin has all JARs in its classpath.