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Forum Posts

finding my content

I am very new to alfresco. I am curios where all of our files are located? I am looking for the harddrive where the file is. For example i assume a file must exist in some directory on some harddrive somewhere in our network: C:\whatever\abc123\heres...

CIFS linux mount

I am able to map the network drive using windows to my linux box running alfresco 2.1.My goal is to have the linux box mount a CFIS drive or similarly, so that I can have access to the files in the repository in other way i.e. I would copy some files...

rjackson by Champ in-the-making
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Add 'specific' properties

Hello!I 'd like to add some properties but there are some difficulties…If you add a file and then you click details, it appears a page that includes properties (such as name, content type, encoding,author, size etc) . I found that the file which is r...

maraki by Champ in-the-making
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different web portals in one alfresco repository

We have different portals like one for Extranet another for Documents and downloading documents and code etc. We are planning to manage these web portals by Alfresco. Can we put all the different portals  under one Alfresco repository or need differe...

dhananjai by Champ in-the-making
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case sensitive ldap username

Hi,Users log into our customized alfresco app with their AD credentials. Some users are imported from AD using the import tool so that we have their email  address and some other info about them. It all works pretty well except for this following sce...

fogo by Champ in-the-making
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point alf_data on other hardisk with ntfs file system

hi, i have a problem changing the dir.root directory to point to other hard disk with ntfs file system.i have a second hard disk in my server, formatted to ntfs, because its from windows. and im now using Linux (CentOS).i aLready mounted the hard dis...

Record management testing

Hi,I'm trying to test record management functionality. I have downloaded alfresco community 2.1 and record management amp, and installed them. I have a sample record space and it seems to work ok. I have a problem with space i created for my testing....

damir by Champ in-the-making
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Need help on an issue

Hi,I'm trying to deploy a snapshot (under Staging Sandbox of a web project) from Web Client but always getting "deployment failed" whatever value is mentioned in "deploy To" field of Web Project properties. I tried providing hostname as well as ip ad...

mohamism by Champ in-the-making
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Hi, i'm new to alfresco,in this period i created a java library that make some operation on alfresco repository. Using this library in eclipse, it make correctly the operations on the repository (with web services but also in embedded way).Now i'm tr...

alestudent by Champ in-the-making
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