06-13-2007 11:14 AM
06-13-2007 03:19 PM
06-15-2007 11:34 AM
<!– The following items allow to keep track of the different owners in the document –>
<type name="sw:ownerhistoryitem">
<title>Owner history Item</title>
<property name="sw:ownerusername">
<property name="sw:owningdate">
<title>Date of Ownership</title>
<aspect name="sw:ownerhistory">
<association name="sw:ownerhistoryitem">
<event type="task-assign">
//Adds versioning to the document to help in the workflow
var actor = search.luceneSearch("@cm\\:userName:\"" + taskInstance.actorId + "\"");
var props = new Array(2);
props["sw:ownerusername"] = actor.properties["cm:userName"];
props["sw:owningdate"] = new Date().toGMTString() ;
for (var i = 0; i < bpm_package.children.length; i++) {
09-17-2007 07:23 AM
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